
My name is Ravikiran KS, a software developer residing in Bangalore. I am interested in solving common day-to-day problems using computer technology, improve quality of life, and hopefully make some money by doing so. In my spare time, I automate things, write notes/articles, watch movies (a movie buff)

On this website you can find my Resume and Whitepapers, occasional posts on software and technology, and some geeky computer hacks.

Feel free to email me at my personal id

About Website

This website is created to save, keep up-to date, and share the useful information that I find over web. Since the information is gathered over a period of time, I make no assurance on accuracy, applicability, or usefulness of content. However, some information stand by test of time and could be very useful. It is a simple collection of helpful information which falls into either of 3 categories.

  1. No-Copy: Links to interesting articles, books, blogs, news, any other web content.

  2. Part-Copy: Excerpts of useful text, images, code, commands, or summary of content by me.

  3. Full-Copy: Complete article replicated here as its a state-of-art work that can’t be duplicated.

What to Expect

My primary area of interests are:

  • Interesting topics on Computer related technologies

  • Personality development and productivity tips & tricks

  • New business ideas, opportunities, and entrepreneurship

If you have any question, shoot me a mail. Contact details in footer.

NOTE: If you find any information to be obsolete or inaccurate, please feel free to point it out. I would be happy to amend the same.

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