Distractions will be there

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006
  • Few more digital asset that requires to be organized properly.

  • Few more emails that needs to be cleaned up.

  • Few more stuff in cupboard and drawing room that need attention.

  • Money in bank accounts that need to be maintained

  • Errands, bills that need to be settled sooner than later.

List goes on and on. Whenever you want to forget everything and focus on your future stuff, your well being, everything else begins to matter.

In current age of connectivity, convenience, and common desire for instant results - distractions are unavoidable. When you want to focus on office, home becomes a priority and vice-versa. You end-up achieving neither. Your time is wasted in thinking dilemma, searching, and anticipation.

Not to discount the importance or relevance of these mundane activities. They are essential, they make our life comfortable, and we do them whether or not like it. The point is to avoid distractions and getting attention to right things at right time.

For every activity that is important, give a place in your reminder list, todo list. Allocate time cap for it.