The 8 Core Excuses Standing Between You And Your Dreams (Category I)

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006

1. I Don’t Have Time

If you don’t start now, when will you?

It’s quite common to believe that if you had more time, you’d make more things happen, but in reality, it doesn’t work quite like that, at least not from my experience. You see, there’s something called Parkinson’s Law that states: Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

What this basically means is that even if you have more time, you’ll tend to fill that time with the same amount of work. But this shouldn’t stop you from doing anything. You can always find time to do what you want. It all depends on how badly you want something.

2. What About My Family/Friends/Kids

When you embark on your path to greatness, there will always be people that will stand in opposition. You are in effect, making them uncomfortable by stepping out of the confines of society, which in turn destroys some of their belief systems. Sometimes you have to stand alone in what you do and what you believe in.

At those times, it’s your duty to lead by example and show that this can be done. You won’t always succeed, and the journey will not always be easy, but if you keep going and keep doing what you feel is right, you’ll get to where you need to be.

As you start moving towards your passion, some of your friends will naturally fall away. They just aren’t a good fit for you anymore, and that’s okay.

3. I Don’t Know How

Making your passion a reality seems difficult, especially when you start bumping into all the technical obstacles for getting a website up, getting traffic, making money and so on. The good news is that there are plenty of tutorials, guides and mentors out there that are more than happy to help you out with whatever problems you may have. In the end, all excuses are just excuses. You can easily find the information you need. You may not know how to do everything right now, but you can learn.

4. I Don’t Have Money

The important part is getting started and making things happen, even if you have no idea what the heck you’re doing. The fastest way to building a successful business is to follow in the footsteps of someone who has already been doing what you wanted to be doing.

5. I Don’t Know People

The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter who you know. If you’re following your passion and making things happen, people will automatically be more willing to chat with you.

We’re all human beings, and we all crave authentic connections. Some successful people may be busy, but you don’t have to start with the A-listers. Just start with the people you feel like you would want to talk to if you didn’t have a business to look after.

Building relationships just because doesn’t really work out. Be authentic and have fun. That’s how you would want people to approach you, right?

6. I’m Afraid

Being afraid is good. It means you’re heading in the right direction. Imagine your life without fear. It’s going to be there when you start out, and it’s going to be there when you’re successful. It’s a part of life, and the key to overcoming it is to accept it and keep moving on.

7. It Won’t Work

To be honest, it probably won’t, at first, but that’s why you’ll be persistent and patient, right?

If you fall off the horse, just get up again. It’s the only way, and it isn’t as painful as you think it is. We have a tendency to worry a bit too much. I’ve realized, it’s that the fear of fear is more horrifying than the actual fear.

8. I’m Not Good Enough

We all have limiting beliefs and sometimes our confidence just isn’t where we want it to be. The funny thing is that even when you’ve reached a certain amount of success, you will still be worrying about something.

We’ve been taught that success changes things, but no real change happens outside of you, it all happens inside. So it doesn’t matter how successful you are. The proof can be seen in famous people all around the world. They have the fame, the money and the success, but most of them are still searching for happiness.

Here’s the gist of it though: you will feel like you’re not good enough, but you are good enough. As long as you can remember that, you’ll be just fine. Keep rocking!