Far File Manager Tricks

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006

Far File Manager Shortcuts and Notes:

All context sensitive help lies in these 3 Bottom of screen always displays action of F1 to F12. If ctrl pressed, it shows action with Ctrl-F1 to F12. Same with alt & shift keys, and other combinations. F9 - Opens up the menu. Ctrl+Left/Right to control window width, Up/Down to control cmd console width.

Complete list of Shortcuts here:

Toggle Show Left Panel - C-F1 Toggle Show Right Panel - C-F2 Toggle Show Hidden Files - C-H Toggle Show long/short File Names - C-N Different View modes - Left Ctrl - 0 to 9 Select/Deselect file - Ins or Shift-cursor keys Insert current file name from the active panel - Ctrl-J Ctrl-Enter Open with associated viewer - F3 or Ctl-Shift-F3 Edit with associated editor - F4 or Ctrl-Shift-F4 Copy files and folders - F5 (to create destination terminate name with backslash Rename or move files - F6 Create Folder - F7 Delete - Shift-Del or F8 or Shift-F8 Wipe - Alt-Del Menu Bar - F9 Quit Far - F10 Show Plugins Command - F11 Change current drive for left pane - Alt-F1 Change current drive for right pane - Alt-F2 Open File in Viewer - Alt-F3 Open File in Editor - Alt-F4 Print File - Alt-F5 Find File - Alt-F7 Display History - Alt-F8 Toggle Size of Far Console Window - Alt-F9 Configure Plugins - Alt-Shift-F9 Find Folder - Alt-F10 Display View and Edit Histry - Alt-F11 Display Folders History - Alt-F12 Edit new file - Shift F4 Copy file under cursor - Shift-F5 Rename file under cursor - Shift-F6 Delete File under cursor - Shift-F8 Save Configuration - Shift-F9 Select last executed menu item - Shift-F10 Enter/Execute - Enter Execute in seperate window - Shift-Enter Execute as administrator - Ctrl-Alt-Enter Change to root folder - Ctrl-
Change folder under cursor - Ctrl-[Shift]-PgDn Change to parent folder - Ctrl-[Shift]-PgUp Select File Attributes - Ctrl-A Apply command to selected files - Ctrl-G Create Folder shortcut to current folder - Ctrl-Shift-0..9 Goto Folder shortcut - RightCtrl-0..9 Mouse Scroll workds as Up/Down Keys and Middle Button acts as Enter