Idea Journal

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006


  • Schools (competition, contents, and networking) - Today schools face high competition, lack good teachers, and are cut-off from industry. Provide differentiation, provide quality stuff, and help bridge the gap between industry and teaching. Many people do this, what is your value-add?

  • Digital asset manager/Declutterer - A software that organizes all personal data into respective folders, helps cleanup personal space, and provides reminders. Maintain journal of newly aggregated materials and Help seggregate them into different folders.

  • Mobile as a hidden audio-video recorder, surveillance camera - Easy to do, many are there, still there is room for more. But technology is still far behind. Camera on mobile doesn’t give good picture quality, poor network bandwidth, MMS is expensive for its worth, storage capacity is also minimal.

  • Mobile as a local phone (SIP) when WiFi is available - Additional gadgets to convert a laptop into phone are available. Also telephones to call through internet are also available in US. Not sure of India.

  • Auto-sync and backup of mobile contents in background (each time the laptop is open and mobile is on) - Available as an option in Nokia OVI Suite and other mobile suites. Still has potential.


  • Bride Groom DB - Bride and Groom database from Sankethi community. Used to capture all information in Sankethi Sampada online. So that it can be looked up any time. Static page present. Need to make it dynamic.

  • Blog - Blog started as a medium to put across my ideas, a way of expression. Though I like and practice writing with excellence, but not interested in writing as a profession. I am not a assembler, I am a producer. I read, I think, I express. While I love to talk, think and understand, at same time I am not satisfied only by dialogue. I feel more pleasure in getting it to a reality.

  • RSS aggregator - Already many of them exist, both FOSS and commercial. Though, most of them fall short on quality, not my area of expertise. Already installed ‘tiny tiny rss aggregator’ at my web hosting to eliminate dependency on google reader.


  • Psuedo Filesystem - Started as a small project to help myself deepen the understanding and also to train Manoj. A file system that can help to debug any other file system operations by journalling actions.

  • Psuedo Network Driver - Started as a small project to help myself deepen the understanding and also to train Rajshekhar Biradar. A network driver that dumps packets based on packet types and certain criteria. Mostly to be used for debugging network applications.

  • Mobile data sync - A pet project to sync data between Web server and a mobile using XML format and use of serialization. Work in J2ME. Didn’t go much far.

  • Gumstix bluetooth to serial converter - A pet project to interface mobile device with a serial console like LED board to display whatever text provided by mobile on LED board.

  • Local search of (scholors, engineers, subject matter experts) - Many exist today including Linkedin, Societies, Facebook. Though you may not easily find what you are looking for, but you can certainly search for them. Difficult to bring-in people without much advertisement and active community.

  • Mobile content aggregator - Mobiles were not very capable of doing heavy duty tasks. Even today, you can’t expect to carry around all your digital arsenal in your cute little phone. There ain’t much space, processing power or network capabilities.

  • GPS based tagging system - A tiny sticker that helps find out any item, anywhere in the world. A sticker having GPS module + bluetooth + buzzer. A web module that provides tracking over google maps.

  • GPS/location watermarking of photos in mobile - Already implemented in today’s mobiles.

  • Mobile as a remote control - Already many such applications are available.

  • Push software to any mobile over bluetooth, and start sending data/songs/images from that mobile to our mobile - Available as a Standard called OTN.


  • Ebook finder, reviews aggregator & auto-downloader - Automatically builds a list of books by RSS feeds, Looks up book review ratings online from GoodReads, Downloads book from download sites.

  • Auto-video recorder - man vs wild. Already many of the TV Tuner software allow for automated recordings. On other hand standard DVR recorders are available for recording and watching TV contents later. But saving recording into laptop/HDD can be a violation of copyright laws.

  • Matrimonial Web Search Engine - A search engine that indexes database in multiple Web based Matrimonial Databases and provides search results.

  • Automated Network status Monitor - Provided list of hosts, network elements, and intemediate nodes, keeps an up-to date database of their reachability and time lag.

  • Mobile Chat over Wifi/Bluetooth - Allows users to chat over a Wifi network/Bluetooth instead of over Internet

  • Personal Assistant - iCal integration - Gets appointment, tasks, reminders, and other information from 3 different interfaces: mobile, directly from user, web based email accounts like gmail. And provides SMS based notification on upcoming events.

  • Gigabit Network Sniffer - Lightweight network sniffer that can serialize incoming network data at line rate for GbE networks.

  • Entrepreneurship DIY - A workshop aimed to help talented people to test their ideas in market place. Build proof-of-concept, showcase it through blog/community/networks, have customers, build a real product, market it on right channels, put up for sale on right stores.