How to Correct a Mistake - Easy Way

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006
  • “To err is human” - We do mistakes now and then, sometimes more impactful than other times, sometimes knowingly than otherwise.

  • Take a step back and breathe - It is difficult to avoid self-hate when we make mistakes. But even if the problem is big, being overly stressed/anxious impedes our ability to think clearly and respond back quickly.

  • Own it - You hush it, mask it, throw under carpet, whatever you do its still there. It is unprofessional and at same time unwise to hide it. Don’t sugarcoat your mistake. Let others know and also mention that you are working on solution.

  • Avoid blame game - Put aside urges to blame others. Even though they may have part into it, still blaming doesn’t help.

  • Be timely - Don’t let time pass after you have done the mistake. It gets worse with time. Own up your mistakes sooner than later.

  • Apologize - Say like “I am sorry that this happened. But I may need help to fix it. Shall we talk about it?”. This shows that you value your work, even when you mess up.

  • Offer a fix - Offer few solutions.