Why would somebody pay money?

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006
  • People want to look professional, the BOSS, the master of field, an expert

  • People want to belong to, be part of something bigger, elite, exclusive, a movement - group

  • People hate to loose things - bookmarks, emails, address, phone numbers, reminders

  • People like things to be complete - complete car, complete collection, all games in one set

  • People look for ways to keep secrets - to control privacy, maintain secrecy

  • Harder, Faster, Better - People pay for performance and quality

  • Personalized services always get attention - People pay for convenience

  • People make choices faster when they have time pressure - like some offer ends before mid night

  • Men like to brag-off, and Women like to be doing the right thing

  • People love to get insights - to personal health, wealth, spending, talking, name it.

  • People like to connect to other people with similar interests

  • People like to get noticed, be remembered, celebrated, alrted,