92 Little Tricks in Relations (Category K)

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006

1. How to make smile magically different

Don’t flash an immediate smile when you greet someone, as through anyone walked in your line of sight would be beneficiary. Instead look at the other person’s face for a second. Pause. Soak in their persona. Let the big, warm, responsive smile flood your face and overflow into your eyes. It will engulf the recipient like a warm wave.

IMP - The split second delay convinces people your flooding smile is guanine and only for them.

2. Strike everyone as intelligent and insightful by using your eyes

Pretend your eyes are glued to your conversation partner’s with sticky warm taffy. Don’t break your eye contact even after he or she has finished speaking.

When you must look away, do it every so slowly, reluctantly, stretching the gooey taffy until the tiny string finally breaks.

3. Use your eyes to make someone fall in love with you

Watch your target person even when someone else is talking. No matter who is speaking, keep looking at the man or woman you want to impact.

4. How to look like a big winner wherever you go

Make a big smile biting your teeth. When you hang by your teeth, every muscle is stretched into perfect posture position.

5. How to win their heart by responding to their “inner infant”

People look for how much attention you are giving them, did you smile, are you palms up (show submit position), is your body in easy position? etc. Softly open, upward pointing palms signify your acceptance to their ideas. tightened fist, knuckles out signals rejection.

Breaking eye contact with next person while giving unpleasant message shows that teller feels sorry giving such a message. Folding arms in front of chest shows rejection. While opening arm gesture is invite for hug.

IMP: Even when greeting an adult give a big smile, may even reach out and touch their arms the same way as you would have warmly welcomed a small, cute child. This should be done the moment you two are introduced. Give warm smile, the total body turn, and the undivided attention you would give a small child. This sends the feeling “You are very, very special”.

6. How to make someone feel like an old friend at once

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care … about them. When meeting someone imagine he or she is an old friend (or customer or beloved one or someone you had affection for). Feel you two had departed, and now reunited. This feeling starts remarkable chain of experience positioning every part of body to expectation.

IMP: Remember, just say “Hello” “How do you do” “I am pleased to meet you”. That’s where it stops. You are not trying to convince the new person that you two are very old friends. So, you are not going to hug or kiss them or say “great to see you again” or “how have you been all these years”.

7. How to come across as 100% credible to everyone

Whenever your conversation really counts, let your nose itch, your ear tingle, or your foot prickle, or whatever body problems you face. Do not fidget, twitch, wiggle, squirm, or scratch. And above all, keep your hand away from genitals.

Hand motions near your face and all fidgeting can give your listener the gut feeling that you’re lying.

8. How to read people

Make it a habit to get on dual track while talking. Express yourself, but also keep a keen eye on how your listener is reacting to what you are saying. Then plan your moves accordingly.