
Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006


  • Keep yourself physically (walk, exercise, and sport) and mentally (talk, laugh, and meditate) fit

  • Start day by with most important task, after completion look at new tasks, keep free time for chores

  • Cleanup hardware (desk, papers, laptop, keyboard), software (desktop, email, SMS, work folders)

  • End day by identifying tomorrow’s wishlist, sending followups, journal expenses of the day


  • Organize & Cleanup hardware (cupboard, electronics, clothes), software (digital clutter, bookmarks)

  • Check petrol level, vehicle air pressure, physical fitness, personal meetings, weekend errands


  • Pay liabilities like bills, rentals, wages, policy premiums and purchase ration items, consumables

  • Review progress on identified work items & assignments, monthly expenses, and immediate road blocks

  • Organize bills, finance books, bank accounts, Demat accounts, invoices/expense claims, investments


  • Review finance performance(NAVs), savings, unplanned expenses, work execution, and potential risks

  • Check and renew LPG gas, light bulbs, sanitary wares, inner wears, toiletries, etc.


  • Update information in master list, current address in banks, and other details in important places

  • Review current salary, expense trends, ROI on personal wishlist, opportunities & threats, finances


  • Wish on birthday, and marriage anniversary for important people