Stop waste, save planet

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006

Stop waste, save planet - Cisco - 16Feb2015

  • We produce too much waste - 3.5 Million tonnes/day in 2010, 6 Million tonnes/day by 2025
  • Global cost of dealing with trash - $205 billion/yr in 2010, #375 billion/yr by 2025
  • Commercial waste overhead (unsold inventory trashed) amounts to 40% of total production

Problem (Traditional business)

  • Purchase materials at bulk, expect to sell them at a margin, trash unsold stuff
  • Some products can’t be recycled - such as medicines, silicon chips, plastic
  • Most shops are not interconnected - don’t know if product is on shelf of next store
  • Inventory mismanagement, inefficient old ways of collecting supply-demand ratio (visit store)
  • Even stores like Woodland don’t know if some inventory is present in their store elsewhere

Solution (Connect Data)

  • A platform that allows vendors to share their inventory log with other vendors
  • Zero overhead of maintenance, fully secure, 24/7 available, highly useful
  • Free software with each Cisco access points, tightly integrated, reliable
  • Interoperable with wide variety of databases: foxpro, sql, access-db, no-sql
  • Interoperable with wide variety of interfaces: barcode scanner, zippy scanner


  • Be at center of what matters. Accurate analytics, true supply-demand information

Best Bet

  • Medical store chains - Many have computerized inventory management
  • Can save lives by providing accurate snapshot of available medicines nearby
  • Governments would support initiatives that are for low waste, green community

What If?

  • What if somebody doesn’t want to share their inventory? Or only to a few?
  • Free! How do you make money?
  • What about large retail chains who have inventory management built-in?


  • Extend to household, barcode reader on refrigerator/shelfs, may be?

Focus Area: Privacy, Metrics, and Analytics


A platform for medical retailers to share and publish their inventory details Common benefits: - Inventory shareable within a group, with other groups, or even publish online - Easy accessibility, efficient inventory utilization,

3 types of medical retailers: * Unconnected - No initial setup cost, no operational cost, no added effort for sync * Partially connected - Easy transition, no operational overhead, extensible across geographies * Fully connected -