The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Taking Action, Right Now (Category K)

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006

What stops you from taking action? What can you do about it?

1. Looking Into Your Future - When I stop myself from taking action, I look into the future. I try to plan and predict what’s going to happen, and not happen if I do or don’t do something.

2. How to Effortlessly Take Action - The secret is asking yourself the following question: What is the next smallest step that I can take, right now? You don’t have to plan everything, although sometimes it’s helpful, but when it’s not is when it isn’t moving you forward. We’ve been taught that we need to eliminate uncertainty, but what you may not realize is that without uncertainty, possibility cannot exist.

3. Feel the End Result, Now - When you feel good and make decisions from a state of peace, happiness, joy, inspiration, or even fulfillment, it will lead to more of those feelings. But you ever made an important decisions while you were feeling bad? the result is often unpleasant, uncomfortable, and unwanted. In short: Feel it, then take action.