Version Controls

Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006


Checkout entire CVS repository

$ cvs co .

Clean CVS Update

$ cvs update -C

NOTE: overwrite local modified files with clean repository copies



  • For SVN to be able to open any file in your favorite editor, update EDITOR environment variable with your editor path: $ export EDITOR=vim


Checkout workspace

$ svn co .

Check whether workspace is up-to-date

$ svn status -u

Any changes(add/modify/delete) in workspace

$ svn status

Update workspace

$ svn update [-r <rev>]

View differences

$ svn diff <filename> $ svn compare -r R1:R2 <filename> Ex: $ svn diff -r 636971:636544 –summarize $ svn diff -r 636971:636544

Commit changes

$ svn commit

Check changes to given file

$ svn log -v [-r<rev>]
Ex: $ svn log https:<svn-server>/svn/<repo>/branches/<branch-name>/<path-to-file> > file-name.log Then:$ svn diff -c <rev-num> https:<svn-server>/svn/<repo>/branches/<branch-name>/<path-to-file> > file-name.diff

Add new file to repo

$ svn add <filename>

Get help on any svn command

$ svn help <command>

Add svn ignore to a repo

$ svn propset svn:ignore -F ~/.svnignore .


For errors like ‘> local edit, incoming delete upon update’ on svn update/merge

$ svn remove –force <filename/dirname> OR $ svn resolve –accept=working <filename/dirname>


To get list of files modified between two dates:

svn diff -r{2013-03-09}:{2013-03-22} –summarize > output.txt

NOTE: To get the source code changes between dates, remove ‘–summarize’ option.

List last 10 commits

$ svn log –limit 10



Edit the config spec to the base branch or label or tree on which you want to merge some other branch or label or tree. For example, if your current branch on which you want to merge some label (ex, fm40-ppc-v2.0.0b01) is opengrid-00, then you make your config spec to point that subbranch and then do:

cleartoolfindmerge.−fverfm40 − ppc − v2.0.0b01 − print[rkks@fuchsia][/vobs/fm40/cp2] cleartool findmerge . -fver fm40-ppc-v2.0.0b01 -print

This will show the entire list of files to be merged. Then

cleartoolfindmerge.−fverfm40 − ppc − v2.0.0b01 − merge[rkks@fuchsia][/vobs/fm40/cp2] cleartool findmerge . -fver fm40-ppc-v2.0.0b01 -merge

will merge the label onto this branch.

$ ct findmerge . -serial -nr -fversion /main/fpsctp_rel_3.0_dev/LATEST -merge

Find All elements:

cleartool find -all -element '{lbtype_sub(v2_6_6r11) && lbtype_sub(v2_6_7r00)}' -ver '{lbtype(v2_6_6r11) && !lbtype(v2_6_7r00)}' -print ct lsco -cview -avobs ct ci -nc * ct find . -version 'version(.../cccn-fm40-l2ha/LATEST)' -print | awk -F @@ '{print $1}' grep -w "printf" `ct find . -version 'version(.../cccn-fm40-l2ha/LATEST)' -print | awk -F @@ '{print $1}'` ct find . -version 'version(.../cccn-fm40-l2ha/LATEST)' -print | awk -F @@ '{print $1}' > list grep -w "printf" `cat list` | awk -F : '{print $1}' | sort | uniq