
Posted by Ravikiran K.S. on January 1, 2006

A wish can enter into wishlist only if it passes the litmus test.

Litmus Test: Every wish has its own cost in terms of time, money, effort, resources, challenges, and risks

  • Are you ready?

    • Do you understand challenges, competition, risk, and rewards?

    • Do you have or How you gain insight, understanding, and experience to do it?

    • Are you ready to learn, explore, invest money, put efforts, and loose sleep?

  • How much money do you have?

    • What is initial investment to pay workforce, bills, errands?

    • How long can you sustain regular life without any income from the new venture?

  • How will you make money?

    • How do you pay your salary, liabilities, bills, and cover operations expenses?

    • What is the exit criteria to cover losses if all you have to face? Plan B?

  • What time frame are you looking at?

    • What time is required for preparation, implementation, evaluating, and sale?

    • How much time & effort is required before you can pay bills from money earned?

  • Who is your team?

    • Who will pay expenses? Who’s money is put on your idea? What will be your share?

    • Who are your mentors? Who know field, who can help with difficult times, suggest?

    • Who is ready to work with you on project? Whom could you convince on your idea?

Short term experiments

  • Take up low investment and high return projects in areas of your highest point of contribution

  • Carefully takeout ULIPs into mainstream, track daily expenses, invest long term, understand Stocks

  • Minimize time that you spend on work by eliminating non-essentials, focus, and delegation

Mid term adventures

  • Shelter without shock - easy on price, well-equipped/reachable, calm & close to nature

  • Financial security - to face tough times, critical illness, mishappen

Long term voyages

  • Freedom from 9 to 5 madness - time to try new things, be creative